Friday, 28 March 2008

Scrub your soul clean!

Seen around Merseyside, North West England, recently; this advert reminds me of my catholic upbringing. 'Still got that old "Original Sin?" well just buy **** and scrub it all away!'
The reason I wanted to post this is because Nobody gets "clean" in 6 weeks or 3 months or whatever they are suggesting in this ad: it takes dedication, will-power, good friends with clear heads and above all TIME to get rid of a drug or alcohol habit.
If this 'product' (the same product -or 'treatment' -as we in the health service prefer to call it) does what it says on the cover, then Praise The Lord, cos our problems are all magically and suddenly over (in the substance abuse field anyway). If not, on the other hand, then I thought there was this rule about adverts having to be "open, honest and truthful" about their product's claims.
Or did I dream that bit?
Anyone know the Advertising Standards Authority address?

Wednesday, 26 March 2008

InnerAction and the Cure

Hey, it's me. You are my audience and I am your writer. Good to meet at last, though I have had this feeling, all my life really, that you've been around - sniffing at the bins for my discarded second rate poetry, looking over my shoulder at my filofax entries. Maybe not?
To bed now. Carol calls