Friday, 28 March 2008

Scrub your soul clean!

Seen around Merseyside, North West England, recently; this advert reminds me of my catholic upbringing. 'Still got that old "Original Sin?" well just buy **** and scrub it all away!'
The reason I wanted to post this is because Nobody gets "clean" in 6 weeks or 3 months or whatever they are suggesting in this ad: it takes dedication, will-power, good friends with clear heads and above all TIME to get rid of a drug or alcohol habit.
If this 'product' (the same product -or 'treatment' -as we in the health service prefer to call it) does what it says on the cover, then Praise The Lord, cos our problems are all magically and suddenly over (in the substance abuse field anyway). If not, on the other hand, then I thought there was this rule about adverts having to be "open, honest and truthful" about their product's claims.
Or did I dream that bit?
Anyone know the Advertising Standards Authority address?


  1. this campaign is hideous, i cannot see any users in this area of the UK responding well to this, if this is how it is advertised how on earth do they expect users to want to enter services that are commissioned by such idiots who are so out of touch with reality, we are made to feel dirty as it is, perhaps if the oplder generaion had brought up their off-spring with compassion, with no household violence, with no abuse, there may not be so many addicts around, Liverpool DAAT, you make me want to puke!!! You shoudl withdraw these adverts and get back to the drawing board and gain a brain or carry out some customer reaserch 1st before spending such a huge amount of cash on such an awful advertisement campaign.

  2. Well said, Anonymous. Actually I've heard and read a lot of interesting things you've said over the years.
    You must be really busy! And old!
    Appreciate your comment, and I should add that it is really the Mersey Care Trust who are at fault here (a guy called Bob Dale is in charge of the advertising). Though Liverpool, as well as all the other Merseyside DAATs shouldn't allow this kind of crap to happen.
